You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2012.

Have you seen this?

I. Cannot. Wait.

In high school, I read the novel Les Miserables. In French.

While it was more an exercise in translating rather than reading, it was then that I fell in love with the story of Jean Valjean, Javert, Fantine, Cosette and Marius.

My parents bought my bestest best and I tickets to see the musical after we finished the book. The show deepened my love for the story.

And now this…

This looks amazing.

I feel like this interpretation of the story will be as heartbreaking and uplifting as ever.

And Hugh Jackman is perfection as Valjean… Russell Crowe as Javert??? Oh, yes!

Counting down the days until the Christmas release.



Seeing that I rarely blog anymore, you can assume from now on that anything I share is very very important.

I give you Krispy Kreme.

I am obsessed.

Seriously, he made me laugh out loud. Like, a lot.


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